The Salvation Army starts War.

Salvation Army says “Gays Need to Be Put to Death”

Christmas, it is the time of the year for holiday shopping, and also hearing the bell ringers for the Salvation Army collection donations. Those donations provide Christmas dinners, clothing, and Christmas toys for children in need. The charity collects millions of dollars in donations every year, and they distribute it to needy families, seniors, and the homeless in keeping with the spirit of the holiday season.


The Salvation Army has expressed their Christian beliefs in the past, stating that they do not accept the LGBTQ lifestyle, nor do they stand up for gay marriage. Salvation Army went on record recently, stating that LGBTQ parents should be put to death as the bible instructs. Major Andrew Craibe, a Salvation Army Media Relations Director, went on public radio hosted by journalist Serena Ryan, to discuss a recent call by LGBTQ parents for a boycott of the nonprofit for its anti-gay policies and beliefs.

Ryan questioned Craibe about Salvation Story: Salvationist Handbook of Doctrine, the manual used to train Salvation Army “soldiers” and members. Several chapters refer to the sin of homosexuality, including a section that cites Romans 1:18-32, which includes a admonition that homosexuals “deserved to die”;

“ Ryan: According to the Salvation Army gay parents deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?”

“Craibe: Well, that’s a part of our belief system.”

Ryan: So they should die.”

“Craibe: You know, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that’s our belief.”

103 thoughts on “The Salvation Army starts War.

  1. Salvation : the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
    Who’s Army are you now?
    For anyone involved with the Christian religion – just remember that it’s straight people giving birth to gay babies to! You all should be ashamed of yourselves.


  2. this is wrong and I know that thousands of people would agree that what the salvation army is doing is wrong, hateful and discriminatory so what if people like the same sex gender I bet half the people that work for the salvation army have people in their family’s that are gay or a maybe a child that is gay yet they don’t love them any less its just everyone else that’s gay right in my opinion the salvation arm needs to grow up this 2013 and thousands of people all over the world are gay and its people like the ones how work for the salvation army that are the reason a lot of them are scared to speak out. I say the people that work for the salvation arm and the ones who standby them there the ones who need to die. LONG LIVE LGBTQ LIFESYTLE .


  3. this is terrible. who are you to judge anybodies lifestyle. makes me sick to my stomach when people preach about no judgment and then judge another for there way of living. What are you scared of? Last time i check the gay community wasn’t hurting any of you people there not hurting your kids either.. all they are doing is trying to live there lives with the ones they love what they do in there bedroom is none of our business..There is so much tragedy in this world worry about that not someones sexual choices….smh


  4. What idiots. For one, homosexuality isn’t a choice, therefore not a sin. And secondly, the bible also says that if any part of you sins, to cut it off, and I doubt those people have done that. People like that just make me sick.


  5. WTF who the hell do they think they are, well i beleive you should be put to death for judging, if your gonna align yourselves with the scripture then anyone who eats shellfish is and abomanation before GOD and therefore should be put to death as well, you need to study the word of GOD a bit more and quit passing judgment, i beleive the scripture you beleive in also states and I quote “JUDGE NOT LES YE BE JUDGE”, Last time I checked Jesus died on the cross for all his people and didnt say jsut christians, that is why i dont beleive in relegion, its a bunch of people quoting and using the woprd of GOD to suite their foolish stupid needs.


  6. All I have to say is my Christian upbringing was about love and compassion , acceptance, Not about judgment or condemnation. Love thy neighbor, and it is up to God to judge, not ME. I have many friends who are gay, they are my friends and I will not pass judgement on their lives. I enjoy them for who they are, kind , loving , human beings. Who they choose to love is not my business. I am a Christian.


    1. I would like to start off by saying you are wrong for how you treat people. Your entitled to your opinion but the bible also states never to discriminate against thy neighbor. Gay/lesbian people do not choose this life. It was givin to them by the lord. How dare you discriminate because of different life styles. All of you are goiing to hell right along with everyone else. People who think that a certain kind of person should die because of gender equality and they’re differences is shamful and you deserve what you dish out. You call yourselves christians.. hardley. Maybe you need to dig deeper into your bible and actually read it. Hyprocrites!!


  7. Well, I guess the bell-ringers wont be getting anymore of MY family’s money or other donations. The next time I see one, I’m gonna tell them their organization can go fuck themselves.






  10. If The POPE says… “who am i to Judge” then those against HIS beliefs ARE NOT TRUE CHRISTIANS….. PERIOD….. I am not a “religious” woman, HOWEVER, This POPE Is setting an amazing, wonderful, and EQUAL Example!!!!!!!


  11. I don’t believe what I have read…Who do you think donates and gives to the red kettle drive? yes GAY people…who are you to judge!!!! Before you start judging some of the Gay Communities, you need to take a good look at your self and your organization…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thats my response, honestly people should just let this go. We’re all humans, we all have rights and if people want to get religious and have the “Holier than thou” attitude, I think they should remember the “Golden Rule” of their own people, treat people the way you wish to be treated. And not to judge, because that is no one’s place to do.


    1. Lauren i am sorry to say but this can’t be let go this immoral belief that gay people are a second class citizen and should be put to death is appealing to say the least….. your a woman how would you like it if you were told you should you die cause you voted or worse you wore a low cut tee or even if this happen cause of the color of your skin?? oh wait this did happen in early American history and we stood up as one and bravely said “NO MORE” unlike nowadays where everyone us a coward to stand up for others..


    2. Indeed……..I completely agree that these peoples’ beliefs would appear to contradict themselves. Surely if they are meant to “treat others how they would wish to be treated” then why don’t they do that? I’m sure members of the Salvation Army would take issue if someone were to suggest their parents should be killed for something that they cannot help. I am not against religeous people, and I respect who they may or may not want to let in to their “club” afterall I would not want to join anyway knowing that their beieifs mean they have an anti GAY policy. What I AM against is people using religion as an excuse to wish harm on other human beings (this is the sort of thing that tears countries apart people)….that does not sound very Godly in my opinion and does not adhere to accomplishing “Peace on Earth”. What happened to “Love thy neighbour” and “turning the other cheek”? If you believe in God… fine….it is down to you to ensure you live YOUR OWN life how you see fit in accordance to your religion and NOT to dictate the fate of others….surely that is God’s job afterall!


  13. Guess they don’t want are money either then how selfish and cruel is this it should be about you sexuality it should only be about caring for others who have nothing end of day money is money no mater were it comes from and i think this is disgusting what has a gay person ever done to you. We don’t stand on the street saying the salvation army should be shut down because they believe in god no we help with donations and caring how can you say you believe in god when he also says treat others with respect and friendship. and treat people how you would like to be treated. should we stand there waving sign in your face saying you should die because you believe something we don’t why cant we live together and get on. I mean in the bible women are second class people do you live like that i think it said when people hate on each other and forgive you for what you have said end of the day i believe that we have all evolved in to new people and we will eventual came together and expected what you believe and you will except the gay community


    1. I have always donated generously to the Salvation Army Christmas kettle program! Thought I was helping those in need, in the best possible way at the holidays. I am also the Aunt of a beautiful, loving and kind gay niece. Will never put a penny into those kettles again! Couldn’t do it now that I am fully aware of this doctrine of the Salvation Army!


  14. I think that’s bullshit!..excuse my language but I dont think that anyone should die just because they are gay lesbian or bisexual love is love an I dont care the salvation army thinks or what they say about homosexuality!.im bisexual an im proud of who I am.people who agree with the salvation army really need just get over whatever the issue is because don’t nobody deserve to be treated differently looked at differently all because of their choice of what sex they want to be with.all people are equal,everyone deserves to be treated with respect an if you disagree with what I just said then to be honest you need to take some time to think about you an your perspective an outlook in things an life.


  15. Well it saddens me to see this… I’m a Christian lesbian, bet the Salvation Army members are loving me!!! u want me to die do u?? Tell u what, come and try it! U absolute morons


  16. Salvation Army should lose it’s tax exemption…how can the government keep them as a tax exempt when they show hate and and are clearly not equal opportunity employers. Disgusting Bigots should be the company name, salvation shouldnt have anything to do with this companies name.


  17. Given the ruling by the US Supreme Court regarding its decision invalidating a key provision of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act the Salvation Army should pay their fair share of taxes.
    I urge everyone to write the IRS requesting the immediate revocation of the their 501 (c)(3) non-profit status. They are entitled to their beliefs and with that said let them pay their fair share of taxes for those beliefs.


  18. Last year i donated to this institution (the salvation army) but as long as they do not need me or my donations… i will donate to some other institution; I wander if before they “help” people they ask: are u gay? are u black? are u a catholic?…. lol.
    Jesus said: “God please forgive them because they do not know what they doing” Thats what i said to the salvation army. The salvation army its not helping united the human race, with this statements, and the worse part is THEY RECEIVE MONEY AND TAX BRAKES BY THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!


  19. I quit giving to the Salvation Army yrs ago. My husband and I were losing our house and separating and I was gonna be homeless w three kids. I called them and they didn’t do a single thing to help me…..NOTHING!!


  20. I have numerous gay and lesbian family members and friends and um I believe it is said do not judge lest ye be judged take a look in the mirror people and get a life cause that just proves your hypocrites and contradicting urselves


  21. Honestly, the Bible does say that homosexuals have created an abomination and should be put to death. I think it’s in Leviticus. I’m not a Christian, I’m an atheist and I don’t have a problem with homosexuals but I think Christians should know what is in their own holy book. Hateful scriptures are one reason that if the god of Abraham was actually real, I would spit in his face.


  22. Forget Anything Ever Again From This Christian Lesbian Widow, after a 25 year loving relationship, 2 wonderful straight Children and 4, 3 strait and 1 gay Grandchildren, I can not
    fathom such ignorance. God Loves All Of His Children, Straight and Gay Alike. Who Are You To Judge Anyone….


  23. I’m shocked at this,I have friends that are gay and I love them to pieces and because of this the salvation army will be losing a lot of money.Judgement is not our call but love and acceptance ” PEACE ” is. I sure hope all the people who are ringing the bell know about this because I feel they may take some heat from this and it wouldn’t be fare but I will tell them why I won’t donate anymore.


  24. The majority of my friends are GAY, and I have a couple of them that work for the Salvation Army for the month of December, I don’t think they will anymore!!! and as for OPEN DOOR CHURCHES that accept and have Christian members of the LGBTT community that generously donate goods and money won’t be donating anymore after they read this article…very sad reality but also a great eye opener to start donating to other GAY FRIENDLY organizations!!!


  25. I will NEVER support this kind of Bullshit!!! With all the terrible things going on in the world, like starvation, homeless, jobless war etc! You’d think they would have more important things to do than pick on Gay people! Like promote LOVE not Hate! I will not support The Salvation Army, or shop at any of the thrift stores from this day forward! I was brought up Christian and if this is what they believe then I’m definitely AGNOSTIC!!!! People are People, love is love…too much hatred! I too have Gay friends and let me tell you they are more real than allot of my hetero friends, they have to be because they had to go through so much crap for acceptance! Which they shouldn’t have had too! Get you head out of your asses and concentrate on the things that need to be dealt with!


  26. This makes me sad! I as a “Gay” sinner I give my money every time I see a bell ringer bc of the cause. As an in human gay who should clearly be put to death obviously I should not have compassion for my fellow Americans who are in need. I am sorry and will neither contribute money nor will I ever go to their stores. TY for letting me know my kind (An America) is not accepted in your stores and doesn’t want my money!


  27. wow this is crazy i have family that are gay so what i love them the same it itis what it is they are humaning to they dont need to die because they want a nother man or woman they wont be getting my money thats it fuck this how can they even put this up there //// there are here to help poeple well good bye


  28. hell I will keep my money from now on!!!! Why would they even say this anyways?!!!! Well they can go to hell and for get they say they help people well I know for a fact they don’t cause I have asked for help from them and got NONTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the hell with even if I had any exta money to give I sure would not give to them again!!!! Dawn Lawson


  29. When i was made homeless last year and was starving due to my transitioning from male to female i approached the salvation army for food and was stopped at the door and told they dont cater to my kind , when i politely asked what they meant i was told gays and trannys should be put to death so they dont contaminate the rest of society and if i had any decency left in me i would abandon my unholy choice and live as god intended or i should go and kill myself.
    So i am not surprised at this though it does sadden me that the human race could be so cruel and inhumane to one another.


  30. They spend a fortune in advertising and telling the world how good they are, but in actual fact they do less than the mainstream churches. I will never forget how judgmental they were at the time when being gay was regarded as a crime. The Sallies urged that they
    (the gay people) should continue to be regraded as criminals.


  31. realy well ant that funny but the gay community give to them all the time. guess we need to only give and buy from the GOODWILL. MY SON IS A GAY MAN AND I STILL LOVE HIM FOR HIM NOT WHO HE IS HUGGING AND KISSING OR HOLDING HANDS WITH


  32. As a parent of a child who is gay, I proudly stand in the “judgment” of the salvation army. After all, it means nothing to me. This is a reminder that extremism comes in many different ways and should teach us not to be deterred from their true message, even though it might be wrapped up in a pretty red bow. It’s important to remember that religious extremism is rooted in fear, shame, bigotry, fanaticism, ignorance, oppression and a LACK of faith. It is a breeding ground for rage, hatred, control and inequality.
    Furthermore, I don’t think that God makes mistakes. My child was born with blue eyes, brown hair, a loving and compassionate temperament, fierce loyalty, superior intellect, a great sense of humor….oh and BORN gay. As for the obnoxious salvation army bell ringers, the next time I see you, I will simply ignore you, perhaps throwing a condescending smile in your direction but all the while keeping my money and true opinions about you to myself. I wouldn’t allow myself to sink to the same disgraceful level and presume to judge my fellow humans, while hiding behind some twisted, self-serving interpretation of what words you believe came directly from God…and in the same context.
    The sad thing is, the people who really need the help wouldn’t be so discriminative against where the money came from. I have a hard time believing that they would look at the money I donated and said, “This $20 bill came from a gay person’s parent. I would rather starve than accept it and eat.” I am very charitable but will never donate to them again.


  33. I’ve given this charity A LOT in the past, both financially and in unused items for them to sell to raise money.
    They shan’t be getting a penny from me again, ever, and I suspect the vast majority of non-religious people will feel the same.
    Clearly this is the way the majority of it’s members also feel.
    Commercialised christianity scoring another own goal, as if raping kids isn’t enough.
    This guy should be jailed.


  34. Prime example of people hiding behind a religion to justify their personal beliefs. I believe there is not any bible in existence that is not corrupted by mans ignorance towards anything different than what they believed when it was written. I will no longer support their organization. I try to never judge anyone and let people judge themselves by their actions, with such hate coming from them I feel sorry for them in their sheltered lives. Doug V. Larson


  35. I am utterly appalled that an organization that is suppose to be Christians would say something like that!! It is not up to you to condemn anyone! That is God’s right and his only. You bring shame on all of the Christians (supposed) that work within your organization. I wonder how many gays work for you and it is none of your business. You have just lost so much respect of people it is sad


  36. so they also believe “if the girl was not found a virgin (before marriage), then they shall bring out the girl to the doorway of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death because she has committed an act of folly in Israel, by playing the harlot in her father’s house
    “For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death.”


  37. I feel that everyone has there own 0pinion but if you had a child that was gay would you kill her and your family you can’t say things like that because we are all equal and this is how we where made. the lord for gives everyone Now about my donation you won’t get a penny from us .


  38. cannot believe it has come to this , im a christian. and have many gays as friend’s.
    you people disgust me. You’ll never see or hear from me. Or get a dime out of me.
    you sick people , next time i see one of you. im going to tell you that you can shove your organization up your ass!


  39. What is even more funny is the Christian church wasn’t around till the rome empire and they made it as a way to tax more people and used it so the poeple wouldn’t over throw them…
    An I love how Christian church used war and stuff to make people who Warshiped other Gods as a way to strike fear into the people.. Its a fake church built on death so this don’t fall to far from what there use to doing.. I can say this everyone is to there own and people just need to learn to get along.. Its just so funny that 99% of people talk about others behind there backs.. and then act as if they do nothing wrong as if they have rights to say anything about anyone but them self, An the Church falls way in to that one.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. This is an OUTRAGE!!!! How dare they say this. I am so going to start drama now!!!!! They talk about how fags are full of drama, well I’m normally drama free but they want a war they got it. Social media can be a dangerous weapon and everywhere I can put something about S.A. I will. My mother is spinning in her grave I guarantee. We have donated lots to this Charity. But now since we fags must be put to death I think the burning of corporate offices to Salvation Army sounds good for me. You self righteous dips**ts! You are NOT GOD!!!! You preach one thing but yet don’t truly understand the meaning behind GOD’S LOVE. If we are made in his image then every gay and lesbian on this planet is perfect just the way we are CAUSE GOD don’t make mistakes and we all are created in HIS image!!!!!! Forget you people this organization is going down I am not letting this go!!! On another note I consider this a personal threat on my life, can I PRESS CHARGES????


  41. Perhaps one of the best known commandments says “Thou shalt not kill.”
    There’s nothing in brackets after that stating “Unless Major Andrew Craibe says it’s okay to do so.”


  42. As long as they are gonna pull the krap against gay les bi transgender I will never ever donate to the salvation army again not even a penny for as long as I live you all n whoever is in charge should be ashamed of yourself not gonna waste money that i dont really have on something like this here i thought i was making a difference n helping out guess I was wrong


  43. Well if heaven and god exist then their judgement day will come, and all the work and things they have done will mean nothing compared to the hatred they are spreading – karma will out – What happened to “Love thy neighbour” not discriminate against our LGBT neighbours – Salvation Army you need to understand the real meaning of religion if you are going to preach it !!!!


  44. I am a pagan by my own choosing , But was there not a young man ah long time ago you all know him he dressed ah bit like ah hippy and went around helping people understand love and did he not forgive a prostitute , and did he not be put on a cross by high ranking religious dudes that went to the Romans and drop him right in it , Sorry i dont read the bible so i may be wrong about all of this THIS IS WHY I AM A PAGAN and by the way i am a transsexual woman ,Roxann Cuthbertson and proud to be .


  45. Who are you to judge another person on their sexual preferences. Gay, Bisexual, Straight, what’s the difference??? We are all still human beings with a brain and heart. I’m not Christian and I don’t believe in condemning people because it’s written in a book that has been tweaked many times over the years called the bible. And for your information you can’t just say you want someone to die because it is your “belief” What are you!? An animal?
    And doesn’t your Christian belief say that it is up to god to judge, not you???
    Their are so many “beliefs” and you choose to go with same gender dating? I bet you had sex before marriage, drank alcohol, don’t go to church every Sunday, don’t thank the lord for the meals on your tables every night. You are such terrible people yourselves yet you judge others without even thinking about all the wrongs you do in your life. Now you can be the ones who feel judged.
    Times have changed, even though it took a while to happen. The gay community are still our community and we are a part of theirs. The gay community doesn’t need your acceptance to lead a happy and successful life all they need is their own happiness and commitment.
    Get over yourselves you selfish judgmental people.


  46. this world?
    these people..
    hated for loving
    what is this world becoming
    if only you saw that innocent soul
    you don’t understand
    hurtful words are taking a toll
    their no different then you
    can you comprehend
    its called “LOVE TOO”


  47. Christians are even taking a stand against you! I will no longer donate ANYTHING to this delusional cult. They are not a charity, they are judgemental close minded individuals who don’t follow the only Jesus I know, the loVing compassionate one. The one who associated with prostitutes and other ‘scum’. Jesus would have hung oUT with you terrible people too, and tried to show you love.

    Humanity is over my friends. We now live in a world where If you are different (race, religion, gender, sexuality) you are automatically ‘not human’.

    These people should die? God will judge them, something you will NEVER be allowed to do. God will fill their hearts with love and passion.

    This is the reason why people are scared to worship Jesus, because of tyrant organizations that condemn a person for being who they are.


  48. You know what? No. Hell no.
    If we EVER had a god that once helped us, this is one of the exact reasons he said FUCK IT and stopped doin shit for us! This is why he gave up on us. And if i ever catch someone supporting this damn sick cause, I’ll make them suffer. Why? Because that’s what THEY deserve. LGBT do a good to this world (let’s not forget that they ADOPT the kids that are either abandoned because there ain’t love or money) for what? Death?

    Oh and by the way. Just because the BIBLE says gays should die, shall we listen to it when it says that after bein raped, a woman can be sold to it’s rapist? I think not.


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